Berg Brothers is an English Setter breeder

Berg Brothers Wild Bill

Tekoa Mountain Setters is an English Setter breeder

Tekoa Mountain Jettsun

Traits evaluated by English Setter Breeders

The graphic above depicts an avergae individual for the breed plotted on a standard curve.  Some traits are above average and some are below average.

The graphic above depicts the traits considered by most breeders plotted on a standard curve. All traits are rated above average and some traits are well above average.  Therefore, such an individual is a better choice than the previous example but an ideal choice would be elite in some or several traits..

Ideal breeding traits for English Setter breeders

The graphic above depicts traits that are well above average and elite in several traits.  This is not meant to depict the ideal individual but the concept depicted here is an individual with no weaknesses and several traits well above average to elite. Therefore, this individual is a good example of highly selective breeding.

Trait Descriptions

Definitions for traits vary.  Listed below is a brief description for those traits without obvious definitions.

Biddable Nature refers to a dogs desire to please and generally cooperative nature.

Application refers to how intelligently the dog hunts objectives.

Physical traits refers to the relative merit of the dogs build and gait.

Companion traits are associated with the dogs disposition and ability to be calm of task.